Weijie Kong - 孔伟杰
Master Student - Computer Applications Technology
school Institution: Digital Media R&D Center, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Peking Univerity
home Office: B201, Peking University Campus, University Town, Xili, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China, 518055
email Email: weijie.kong@pku.edu.cn
- fiber_manual_recordComputer Vision
- fiber_manual_recordVideo Understanding
- fiber_manual_recordHuman Action Detection
- fiber_manual_recordObject Detection
- fiber_manual_recordPedestrain Detection
- fiber_manual_recordMachine Learning
MSc in Computer Applications Technology, 2020
Peking Univerity, Shenzhen, China -
BA in Software Engineering, 2017
Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
About Me
I’m a second-year graduate student in Digital Media R&D Center, Peking Univerity, advised by Prof. Ge Li.
Before starting my M.S., I received my B.S. in Software Engineering from Northeastern University in 2017.
Currently, my main research insterests are in video understanding and human activity detection. In general, I'm interested in computer vision and machine learning.
- fiber_manual_record [2019-03-02] One paper is accepted to CVPR 2019. New!
- fiber_manual_record [2019-02-02] One paper is accepted to ICASSP 2019.
- fiber_manual_record [2018-07-02] One paper is accepted to ACMMM 2018.
- fiber_manual_record [2017-11-04] One paper is accepted to MMM 2018.
- fiber_manual_record [2017-09-23] Our team won the first price in Underwater Object Detection (Offline) task of Underwater Robot Piking Contest 2017 organized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
- fiber_manual_record [2017-07-13] Intership at Hikvison Shanghai R&D Branch for two months.